I Care

When are people going to understand that healthcare cannot coexist in a plutocratic,  capitalistic economy? So many lies have been told to confuse us. I understand it’s intimidating to see the lies behind the white coat and fancy diplomas but think! Why is allopathic,…



Pause and reflect for a moment. You are not your name. You are not your face. You are not your body. You are not your possessions, degree, career, or any other material aspects you define yourself with. Knock down deceptive boundaries in the three…


Poetic Justice

Since this website has become a hybrid of enhanced subjectivity from the inner workings of my mind, I thought I’d share my poem. It’s personal and I wasn’t sure whether it was ready for human consumption, but whether you digest or judge I will…



on my lunch hour, i like to walk towards the beach and observe life…well people, mostly. it’s crazy how much people can reflect their environment. thick, heavy makeup plastered on faces like never ending infrastructures being built to cover nature’s beauty. high-end stores from…


432 Hz Healing Energy

“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain,” in fact it heals. You can actually heal your DNA with a certain frequency. Binaural beats can regenerate your cells. Like the universe, we are made up of vibrations. Music is…


Return home, to yourself

I’ve been feeling so connected to myself, ️lately…   Doesn’t that sound so silly? Like what? What do you mean, “connected to yourself? You are yourself!?” Do you really know your soul and not just the physical aspect of your being? If you could…


Organic Kombucha Scoby – Live Culture- For Sale


Jackfruit Smoothie

We are happy to announce the creation of a new elixir that will help replenish energy and revitalize the body instantly. It is also rich in dietary fiber which helps protect the colon mucous membrane by binding to and eliminating cancer-causing chemicals from the…



Why the eye? The eyes are the observer of the deluded reality of the materialistic world. We transcend from the illusion of separation or duality through the all seeing eye, the light. There are many ways to help decalcify your pineal gland from the…
